This commit is contained in:
Alexandre LUCAZEAU 2023-07-27 23:36:46 +02:00
parent 086d9760bc
commit b81d52cc8b
2 changed files with 75 additions and 55 deletions

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@ -13,7 +13,8 @@
# modules/starship.nix
# modules/powermanagement.nix

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@ -4,63 +4,82 @@
enable = true;
# Configuration écrite dans ~/.config/starship.toml
settings = {
add_newline = false;
format = "$shlvl$shell$username$hostname$nix_shell$git_branch$git_commit$git_state$git_status$directory$jobs$cmd_duration$character";
shlvl = {
disabled = false;
symbol = "";
style = "bright-red bold";
# add_newline = false;
# format = "$shlvl$shell$username$hostname$nix_shell$git_branch$git_commit$git_state$git_status$directory$jobs$cmd_duration$character";
# shlvl = {
# disabled = false;
# symbol = "ﰬ";
# style = "bright-red bold";
# };
# shell = {
# disabled = false;
# format = "$indicator";
# fish_indicator = "";
# bash_indicator = "[BASH](bright-white) ";
# };
# username = {
# style_user = "bright-white bold";
# style_root = "bright-red bold";
# };
# hostname = {
# style = "bright-green bold";
# ssh_only = true;
# };
# nix_shell = {
# symbol = "";
# format = "[$symbol$name]($style) ";
# style = "bright-purple bold";
# };
# git_branch = {
# only_attached = true;
# format = "[$symbol$branch]($style) ";
# symbol = "שׂ";
# style = "bright-yellow bold";
# };
# git_commit = {
# only_detached = true;
# format = "[ﰖ$hash]($style) ";
# style = "bright-yellow bold";
# };
# git_state = {
# style = "bright-purple bold";
# };
# git_status = {
# style = "bright-green bold";
# };
# directory = {
# read_only = " ";
# truncation_length = 0;
# };
# cmd_duration = {
# format = "[$duration]($style) ";
# style = "bright-blue";
# };
# jobs = {
# style = "bright-green bold";
# };
# character = {
# success_symbol = "[\\$](bright-green bold)";
# error_symbol = "[\\$](bright-red bold)";
# };
# };
format = "[](#a3aed2) [](bg:#769ff0 fg:#a3aed2) $directory [](fg:#769ff0 bg:#394260) $git_branch $git_status [](fg:#394260 bg:#212736) $time [ ](fg:#1d2230)$character";
directory = {
style = "fg:#e3e5e5 bg:#769ff0";
format = "[ $path ]($style)";
truncation_length = 3;
truncation_symbol = "/";
shell = {
disabled = false;
format = "$indicator";
fish_indicator = "";
bash_indicator = "[BASH](bright-white) ";
username = {
style_user = "bright-white bold";
style_root = "bright-red bold";
hostname = {
style = "bright-green bold";
ssh_only = true;
nix_shell = {
symbol = "";
format = "[$symbol$name]($style) ";
style = "bright-purple bold";
directory.substitutions = {
"Documents" = "󰈙 ";
"Downloads" = " ";
"Music" = " ";
"Pictures" = " ";
git_branch = {
only_attached = true;
format = "[$symbol$branch]($style) ";
symbol = "";
style = "bright-yellow bold";
git_commit = {
only_detached = true;
format = "[$hash]($style) ";
style = "bright-yellow bold";
git_state = {
style = "bright-purple bold";
git_status = {
style = "bright-green bold";
directory = {
read_only = " ";
truncation_length = 0;
cmd_duration = {
format = "[$duration]($style) ";
style = "bright-blue";
jobs = {
style = "bright-green bold";
character = {
success_symbol = "[\\$](bright-green bold)";
error_symbol = "[\\$](bright-red bold)";
symbol = "";
style = "bg:#394260";
format = "[[ $symbol $branch ](fg:#769ff0 bg:#394260)]($style)";